Blookwt Hacks

How To Get Blooket Hacks & Use It? Step-by-Step Guide

Blooket is an engaging platform where teachers interact with students and play games that help in learning. However many students look for a short way that allows them to get answers quickly or give them coins to buy from Blooket/Market. That’s where Blooket hacks come in.

In this guide, we’ll show you some simple hacks that you can use to enhance your Blooket games even on your school PC. You can use these blooket hacks for coins, minesraft2, and many other games. These blooket hacks originated from Git Hub from many owners i.e. glizzy, therealgliz, Glixer, and many others. So stick with us as there are some minor techniques that you need to focus on.

How To Use Blooket Hacks

Follow the below-mentioned steps;

Step 1: Accessing Codes

First, you need to download codes from our dedicated download page. You are not required to sign in or create an account to get the codes. Once you click the download button you will be redirected to

Step 2: Finding the Blooket Hack

Now that you are on GitHub, you can find plenty of Blooket hacks:

  1. Use the GitHub search box type Blooket and hit Enter. You will see a repository full of updated hacks.
  2. Locate the “” repository and click on it to access the all codes.
  3. Within the repository, you’ll find various folders. Locate and click on any folder to get the code.

Step 3: Accessing the Cheat Code

Now that you’re in the folder, it’s time to get your hands on the precious cheat code:

  • Inside the folder, you’ll find a file named “Global.” Open this file to see its contents. This is where the important stuff is stored.
  • On the following page, you’ll find a piece of JavaScript code. Your task is to carefully copy this code. Highlight all the code, right-click, and choose “Copy” from the menu that pops up. Make sure not to leave out any characters or lines.
  • It’s crucial to copy the code accurately. Even a small mistake could stop the hack from working properly.

Step 4: Adding the Bookmark

With the cheat code in your clipboard, it’s time to set up a bookmark for quick access to your Blooket hack:

  • Return to your Blooket dashboard. This is where you’ll activate the hack shortly.
  • In the address bar of your browser, you’ll notice a star icon. Click on it to bookmark the current page. This bookmark will allow you to access the hack with just one click in the future.
  • After bookmarking the page, click on the “more” button or the three dots next to the bookmarked link. Then, select “Edit bookmark” from the dropdown menu to access the bookmark settings.
  • You’ll see a field for the URL in the bookmark settings dialog box. Change the URL to “Javascript:” (without quotes). This is where you’ll paste the copied JavaScript code.
  • Now, paste the JavaScript code you copied earlier into the URL field. The field should only contain the code itself, without any additional spaces or characters.
  • After pasting the code, click the “Save” button to save your bookmark settings.

Step 5: Activating the Blooket Hack

The moment has arrived. It’s time to activate your Blooket hack and enjoy its benefits:

  • If you don’t see a pop-up message after saving the bookmark settings, don’t fret. There’s a solution.
  • Navigate to your browser’s bookmarks section if the pop-up message doesn’t appear. There, you’ll find the bookmark you’ve just created for the Blooket hack.
  • Click on the bookmark you created to activate the Blooket hack. It’s now primed and ready for action.
  • Remember, these cheats are only effective on the domain. You must be on the Blooket platform to fully utilize them.

Step 6: Exploring Blooket Hack Options

Now that you have successfully activated the Blooket hack let’s explore the options it offers:

  1. You’ll find many cheat options on your Blooket dashboard with the hack active. These can enhance your gaming and learning experience.
  2. One of the notable benefits of using the Blooket hack is the ability to access daily rewards. Click on the corresponding button to claim your rewards and enjoy additional perks.
  3. The world of Blooket hacks opens up new possibilities for your gaming and learning experience. Explore and experiment responsibly to see how these cheats can benefit you.

Alternate Way To Use Codes

In case the above method doesn’t work then follow these alternative methods:

  1. Once you have copied the attached codes
  2. Login to your account and the game room
  3. Open your internet browser console
  4. For this, you can use Ctrl+Shift+J
  5. Paste the required code into the console.

That’s it you will see the result.